Learn to Craft Your Own Dishes and Improve Your Favorite Recipes!

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— What Subscribers are Saying —

Have you ever considered writing a book or making a YouTube series? This is awesome and you have a gift for explaining things so thoroughly and clearly!!!
One of my favorite accounts to follow (and newsletters to subscribe to) is @saltsearsavor. If you're looking to be a better home chef, you'll want to get THE most relevant tips and tricks for a wide variety of food from Luciano.
I love your tips! It was very helpful especially for a beginner who wanted to craft her own dishes ❤️ keep going!
profile picture of luciano

About Salt Sear Savor

My name is Luciano, and I'm seriously obsessed with cooking.

Ever since I first fell in love with cooking while watching the Food Network as a kid, I always used to search for the next best recipe. But one day I had a realization. I was just mindlessly following recipes. I knew nothing about the why behind what I was doing. Could I pull a meal together if there was no recipe to follow?

What’s the deal with this newsletter?

It's about the fundamentals of good cooking.

If you're looking for a step-by-step recipe in your inbox then this is not the newsletter for you. If you want to learn the “why” behind the steps, then you've come to the right place! 🙌

I’m on a mission to read cookbooks, take cooking classes, and experiment in the kitchen. You'll get emails from me with the techniques, ideas, and strategies I've learned along the way. It’s all about the actionable nuggets (pun intended) that you can use in the kitchen, whether you’re wanting to improve a recipe or just pull off a spectacular meal with what you’ve got in your pantry.

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